Meaning of 'upataneṃ'

v i ( H) To come up and fall out--a nail, peg, tree. 2 To turn up; to come to light; to become public. 3 To break out; to come to the surface; to become manifest--a disease &c. 4 To rise upon or fall upon angrily. Ex. anyaya kela konhi ani majavara ka ṃupatatosa?

Meaning of उपटणें

v i ( H) To come up and fall out--a nail, peg, tree. 2 To turn up; to come to light; to become public. 3 To break out; to come to the surface; to become manifest--a disease &c. 4 To rise upon or fall upon angrily. Ex. अन्याय केला कोण्ही आणि मजवर कां उपटतोस?

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