Meaning of 'hadasaneṃ'

v c (hata S To treat violently.) To pull suddenly and smartly; to pluck with a quick and nimble action; to jerk, twitch, catch up. 2 To pull or draw smartly and forcibly in order to tighten (a bundle, a package). Singly or with v bandha, as hadasuna bandhane. 3 To jerk on the loom; to shake or strike with a brisk rap or stroke; to jog, or to dash with a shock upon the ground (a web or stretched cloth, a bamboo mat in making it, a sack or measure filled with meal, sugar &c.--in order to compress, condense, close, make compact and firm). 4 To strike smartly down (upon the counter or shop-board) a piece of cloth in delivering it over to the purchaser; uttering a few words expressive of desire that the article may be blessed to him. A well-known practice of cloth-dealers. 5 To enjoin or charge strictly and peremptorily; to speak to with emphatic re-iteration in order to impress. 6 To winnow (grain in a sup or sifting fan).ṃ

Meaning of हडसणें

v c (हट S To treat violently.) To pull suddenly and smartly; to pluck with a quick and nimble action; to jerk, twitch, catch up. 2 To pull or draw smartly and forcibly in order to tighten (a bundle, a package). Singly or with v बांध, as हडसून बांधणें. 3 To jerk on the loom; to shake or strike with a brisk rap or stroke; to jog, or to dash with a shock upon the ground (a web or stretched cloth, a bamboo mat in making it, a sack or measure filled with meal, sugar &c.--in order to compress, condense, close, make compact and firm). 4 To strike smartly down (upon the counter or shop-board) a piece of cloth in delivering it over to the purchaser; uttering a few words expressive of desire that the article may be blessed to him. A well-known practice of cloth-dealers. 5 To enjoin or charge strictly and peremptorily; to speak to with emphatic re-iteration in order to impress. 6 To winnow (grain in a sup or sifting fan).

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