Meaning of 'hagara'

a (hagane) That is ever and anon voiding excrement. 2 fig. Timid, fearful, whose courage frequently or readily fails; a funker. 3 Used freely (of persons, articles, matters) in the sense Bad, vile, nasty, nauseating, execrable, abominable; also in the sense Poor, paltry, shabby, sorry, wretched, good-for-nothing.ṃ

Meaning of हगरा

a (हगणें) That is ever and anon voiding excrement. 2 fig. Timid, fearful, whose courage frequently or readily fails; a funker. 3 Used freely (of persons, articles, matters) in the sense Bad, vile, nasty, nauseating, execrable, abominable; also in the sense Poor, paltry, shabby, sorry, wretched, good-for-nothing.

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