Meaning of 'sastanga'

a (S sa With, asta Eight, anga Member.) With the eight members; consisting in the action of the whole body. The word is usually the epithet of namaskara, pranama, and similar words; and in this conjunction it expresses Complete, perfect, profound (prostration, obeisance &c.) It is sometimes used as s n without the word namaskara or pranama. v ghala.

Meaning of साष्टांग

a (S स With, अष्ट Eight, अंग Member.) With the eight members; consisting in the action of the whole body. The word is usually the epithet of नमस्कार, प्रणाम, and similar words; and in this conjunction it expresses Complete, perfect, profound (prostration, obeisance &c.) It is sometimes used as s n without the word नमस्कार or प्रणाम. v घाल.

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