Meaning of 'ila'

m A curved instrument for cutting grass or shrubs. ila ani bhopala (From the difficulty, in consequence of the excessive curvature of the ila, of separating by it the pompion from its stalk.) A phrase used of man and wife, master and servant &c. of dispositions uncongenial and incompatible. In this sense ilyavalukasi ngantha (padane-nghalane &c.) ṃila moduna khila karane To destroy some large and valuable article in order to make something petty or insignificant. ṃilyaitaka vankada Crooked as an ila lit fig.

Meaning of इळा

m A curved instrument for cutting grass or shrubs. इळा आणि भोपळा (From the difficulty, in consequence of the excessive curvature of the इळा, of separating by it the pompion from its stalk.) A phrase used of man and wife, master and servant &c. of dispositions uncongenial and incompatible. In this sense इळ्यावाळुकाशीं गांठ (पडणें-घालणें &c.) इळा मोडून खिळा करणें To destroy some large and valuable article in order to make something petty or insignificant. इळ्याइतका वांकडा Crooked as an इळा lit fig.

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