n (S) A royal city or town. 2 A town or place favored by the occasional manifestations of any god, by the residence there of saints and sages, of learned doctors &c.: also a town appointed for the residence and made over for the maintenance of a god, saint &c.: also a seat of the occurrence or existence of any event or being considered as demanding religious commemoration, observance, veneration &c. 3 Revenue applied to the support of such places.
n (S) A royal city or town. 2 A town or place favored by the occasional manifestations of any god, by the residence there of saints and sages, of learned doctors &c.: also a town appointed for the residence and made over for the maintenance of a god, saint &c.: also a seat of the occurrence or existence of any event or being considered as demanding religious commemoration, observance, veneration &c. 3 Revenue applied to the support of such places.