Meaning of 'saṃvagane or ṃsavanganeṃ'
v c To gather a crop by reaping. Note. In the sense of Gathering by reaping, by plucking off, or by rooting up, many words are in use in different districts, and according to the prevailing kind of corn. savangane belongs to ngangathadi, balaghata, pandharapura &c.; kadhane, ṃvetalane, and sometimes ṃupatane, signify Uprooting; and apply especially (and ṃupatane exclusively) to njondhala, which corn is never reaped, but is rooted up (and the heads are afterwards cut off); vetalane is used in this special application to njondhala because jondhala, in being torn up, is clasped; kadhane has sometimes a wider application, as the word bears the general sense of Getting out (of the soil); nkapane is simply Reaping (or cutting); and is applied to ngahu, mbajari &c.
Meaning of संवगणें or सवंगणें
v c To gather a crop by reaping. Note. In the sense of Gathering by reaping, by plucking off, or by rooting up, many words are in use in different districts, and according to the prevailing kind of corn. सवंगणें belongs to गंगथडी, बालाघाट, पंढरपूर &c.; काढणें, वेटाळणें, and sometimes उपटणें, signify Uprooting; and apply especially (and उपटणें exclusively) to जोंधळा, which corn is never reaped, but is rooted up (and the heads are afterwards cut off); वेटाळणें is used in this special application to जोंधळा because जोंधळा, in being torn up, is clasped; काढणें has sometimes a wider application, as the word bears the general sense of Getting out (of the soil); कापणें is simply Reaping (or cutting); and is applied to गहूं, बाजरी &c.
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