Meaning of 'sabdabhedi or sabdavedhi'

a (S) That has the skill of shooting (an arrow or other missile) upon an unseen object through hearing a voice or a sound proceeding from it: also capable of striking an object heard;--a divine or charmed arrow &c. 2 That can pierce into and discover the design or purpose through a few words spoken. 3 A designation of arjuna, either from his possessing the skill above described, or from his power of piercing, and thrilling his enemies by his shouts. Applied also to dasaratha.

Meaning of शब्दभेदी or शब्दवेधी

a (S) That has the skill of shooting (an arrow or other missile) upon an unseen object through hearing a voice or a sound proceeding from it: also capable of striking an object heard;--a divine or charmed arrow &c. 2 That can pierce into and discover the design or purpose through a few words spoken. 3 A designation of अर्जुन, either from his possessing the skill above described, or from his power of piercing, and thrilling his enemies by his shouts. Applied also to दशरथ.

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