Meaning of 'labadi'
f (labada) Falsehood, untruth, duplicity, dishonesty; want of veracity, sincerity, or verity. Pr. thodi to ngodi phara to ṃlabadi Long acquaintance brings out faults and falseness where short acquaintance found only sweetness. 2 A lie, fabrication, forgery, fraud. 3 A contrivance (a stick inserted to twist) for compressing and tightening a bulky load or bundle: also a bit of stick fastened to a slack cord to afford a grasp for drawing it: also a cross stick run through the head of a rafter. v ghala.
Meaning of लबाडी
f (लबाड) Falsehood, untruth, duplicity, dishonesty; want of veracity, sincerity, or verity. Pr. थोडी तों गोडी फार तों लबाडी Long acquaintance brings out faults and falseness where short acquaintance found only sweetness. 2 A lie, fabrication, forgery, fraud. 3 A contrivance (a stick inserted to twist) for compressing and tightening a bulky load or bundle: also a bit of stick fastened to a slack cord to afford a grasp for drawing it: also a cross stick run through the head of a rafter. v घाल.
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