Meaning of 'yamapuri'

f (S) The city or town of Yama. The word is common in phrases; as ya0 ci yatana f ya0 ca danda m ya0 ce nduhkha n Terms applied to any exceedingly heavy sickness, severe punishment, hard beating &c. ya0 sa pathavine To beat soundly. 2 Cant. A prison.ṃ

Meaning of यमपुरी

f (S) The city or town of Yama. The word is common in phrases; as य0 ची यातना f य0 चा दंड m य0 चें दुःख n Terms applied to any exceedingly heavy sickness, severe punishment, hard beating &c. य0 स पाठविणें To beat soundly. 2 Cant. A prison.

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