Meaning of 'yathasthita'

ad (S) Suitably with (the exigency or requirement of) circumstances; i. e. properly, rightly, justly, conveniently, excellently. 2 As things stood before; as matters then were; in statu quo. But there is ever an implication that that former state was a good state. Ex. aja- paryanta ikadila varttamana ya0 januna svakiya kusala li- hita jave.ṃ

Meaning of यथास्थित

ad (S) Suitably with (the exigency or requirement of) circumstances; i. e. properly, rightly, justly, conveniently, excellently. 2 As things stood before; as matters then were; in statu quo. But there is ever an implication that that former state was a good state. Ex. आज- पर्यंत इकडील वर्त्तमान य0 जाणून स्वकीय कुशल लि- हीत जावें.

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