Meaning of 'bharara or raṃ'

ad bhararuna ad (bhara) Imitative of certain rushing sounds or expressive of the manner of certain brisk actions (as of whirring, whisking, blowing in gusts or puffs, fluttering, flapping, clapping &c.) v uda, utha, pala, nigha, suta, cala, suja, phuga &c. Hence 2 Quickly, smartly, impetuously.

Meaning of भरार or रां

ad भरारून ad (भर) Imitative of certain rushing sounds or expressive of the manner of certain brisk actions (as of whirring, whisking, blowing in gusts or puffs, fluttering, flapping, clapping &c.) v उड, उठ, पळ, निघ, सुट, चाल, सुज, फुग &c. Hence 2 Quickly, smartly, impetuously.

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