Meaning of 'patala'

n (S) pop. patala n Hell; the regions under the earth, and the abode of the naga or serpents. A common term for the seven infernal regions. See saptapatala. 2 Used fig. as per ex. eka upasane ndole patalanta gele or pota patalasa gele. mpatala phoduna or patalantuna kadhane To bring to light (some deed of darkness). 2 To make a farfetched conjecture or imagination; to draw ex imo profundo. mpatali nghalane To ruin utterly.ṃ

Meaning of पाताल

n (S) pop. पाताळ n Hell; the regions under the earth, and the abode of the नाग or serpents. A common term for the seven infernal regions. See सप्तपाताल. 2 Used fig. as per ex. एका उपासानें डोळे पाताळांत गेले or पोट पाताळास गेलें. पाताळ फोडून or पाताळांतून काढणें To bring to light (some deed of darkness). 2 To make a farfetched conjecture or imagination; to draw ex imo profundo. पाताळीं घालणें To ruin utterly.

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