Meaning of 'patha ughadi padaneṃ'

g. of s. To have one's back uncovered (as by the death of one's younger brethren and sisters). patha ucalane g. of s. To rise, emerge, recover strength, influence, prosperousness: opp. to mpatha bhuisa lagane. mpatha kadhane To spare one's self lazily; to withdraw or withhold one's proportion of labor or effort. mpatha kampane g. of s. To tremble, shudder, quake. mpatha ghene g. of o. To pursue. 2 To hang upon (with supplication or teasing importunity, with implacable hatred, or in stern and strict enforcement.) 3 To hang upon--a disease or burden. mpatha corane To draw in one's back--a beast of riding or burden: also to shy. 2 To spare one's self &c. See mpatha kadhane. mpatha jhankane g. of s. To have one's back covered (as by the birth of a brother or sister). mpatha takane To lie down to rest. mpatha thapatane (To clap the back.) To encourage: also to applaud. mpatha dakhavine To turn tail; to run away from. mpatha dene To turn tail unto. 2 To aid, abet, back. 3 To turn away from in non-compliance; to turn the back upon or a deaf ear unto. mpatha dharane g. of o. To overtake. mpatha nighane or -ṃrighane g. of o. To run behind another (for protection &c.); to take refuge with. mpatha puravine g. of o. To hang upon (in enforcement, incitement, importunity, urgency). mpatha pota sarakhe ṃhone g. of s. To be exceedingly emaciated. mpatha phoduna nighane To be born after (a brother or sister.) mpatha bhuisa lagane g. of s. To be enfeebled and reduced to great straits (through disease, poverty &c.): opp. to mpatha ucalane. mpatha rakhane g. of o. To aid, support, back. mpatha sodane g. of o. To desist from the pursuit or prosecution of; to cease to persecute, importune, urge, hang upon. mpathi At the back of, lit. fig.; in the train or retinue of; i. e. as an appendage or appurtenance: in the path or course of; i. e. as hanging or pressing upon. 2 In succession or subsequence unto, after. mpathice cakade kadhane (To draw off the flesh of the back in shreds or pieces.) To beat soundly. mpathice ṃsala jane To suffer loss (as in trade): also to be fleeced or plucked; to be rubbed. mpathi- maghaca or -maghala or -maghila Succeeding or subsequent to; following after;--used of a younger son or daughter. pathi nna poti (Nor on the back nor in (of) the belly, i. e. no brother to protect nor any son to represent &c.) Expresses extreme desolation or destitution. mpathimaguna From behind, from the farther side of. 2 After, at the back of, in time posterior to. 3 From before, from time prior or anterior to. pathimage After or at the back of, lit. fig; in the train or retinue of; in the path or course of; in succession or subsequence unto. mpathimage nthevane (To die and) to leave behind. mpathimage ndene To give back again. mpathimage mpadane To be in arrears--a work: also to be past and forgotten--an event. mpathimage ṃsarane To recede, yield, draw back. mpathivara Behind or upon (in pursuit, harassment, enforcement, encouragement.) 2 In succession or subsequence unto, after. pathivara takane To procrastinate or put off. mpathivara tela lavuna theva Prepare thyself for a beating. pathivaruna After, since, subsequently. pathi- vara paya deuna yene g. of o. To be born or to succeed immediately after--a child, a king, an officeholder. mpathisa kalija asane (To have the heart at the back.) To be daring, determined, intrepid. mpathisa pota lagane To be extremely lank or lean. 2 or mpota pathisa lagane To have a belly encumbering and embarrassing one; to have a belly to fill. mpathisa lagane To pursue or hang upon. See mpatha ghene. mpathisi. or ṃsi At the back of, lit. fig. mpathisi nghalane To afford protection unto; to cast behind, under one's shelter or covert. mpathisi nghene To take upon one's self (a work). mpathuna From behind &c. See pathimaguna. jhankalya pathica (Of covered back.) Done under some cover or cloak, or in some excusing connection--a sin or crime, as whoredom by a married woman &c. jhankalya pathine (With one's back covered.) With decency and respectability; without dishonorable exposure. ntapalya pathine Whilst the back is hot, i. e. whilst the blood is warm, the spirits high, the capabilities in their vigor; before one gets cold and stiff or dull and imbecile. mpurati patha ghene or mpuravine To follow close upon the back of.ṃ

Meaning of पाठ उघडी पडणें

g. of s. To have one's back uncovered (as by the death of one's younger brethren and sisters). पाठ उचलणें g. of s. To rise, emerge, recover strength, influence, prosperousness: opp. to पाठ भुईस लागणें. पाठ काढणें To spare one's self lazily; to withdraw or withhold one's proportion of labor or effort. पाठ कांपणें g. of s. To tremble, shudder, quake. पाठ घेणें g. of o. To pursue. 2 To hang upon (with supplication or teasing importunity, with implacable hatred, or in stern and strict enforcement.) 3 To hang upon--a disease or burden. पाठ चोरणें To draw in one's back--a beast of riding or burden: also to shy. 2 To spare one's self &c. See पाठ काढणें. पाठ झांकणें g. of s. To have one's back covered (as by the birth of a brother or sister). पाठ टाकणें To lie down to rest. पाठ थापटणें (To clap the back.) To encourage: also to applaud. पाठ दाखविणें To turn tail; to run away from. पाठ देणें To turn tail unto. 2 To aid, abet, back. 3 To turn away from in non-compliance; to turn the back upon or a deaf ear unto. पाठ धरणें g. of o. To overtake. पाठ निघणें or -रिघणें g. of o. To run behind another (for protection &c.); to take refuge with. पाठ पुरविणें g. of o. To hang upon (in enforcement, incitement, importunity, urgency). पाठ पोट सारखें होणें g. of s. To be exceedingly emaciated. पाठ फोडून निघणें To be born after (a brother or sister.) पाठ भुईस लागणें g. of s. To be enfeebled and reduced to great straits (through disease, poverty &c.): opp. to पाठ उचलणें. पाठ राखणें g. of o. To aid, support, back. पाठ सोडणें g. of o. To desist from the pursuit or prosecution of; to cease to persecute, importune, urge, hang upon. पाठीं At the back of, lit. fig.; in the train or retinue of; i. e. as an appendage or appurtenance: in the path or course of; i. e. as hanging or pressing upon. 2 In succession or subsequence unto, after. पाठीचे चकदे काढणें (To draw off the flesh of the back in shreds or pieces.) To beat soundly. पाठीचें साल जाणें To suffer loss (as in trade): also to be fleeced or plucked; to be rubbed. पाठी- माघचा or -माघला or -माघील Succeeding or subsequent to; following after;--used of a younger son or daughter. पाठीं ना पोटीं (Nor on the back nor in (of) the belly, i. e. no brother to protect nor any son to represent &c.) Expresses extreme desolation or destitution. पाठीमागून From behind, from the farther side of. 2 After, at the back of, in time posterior to. 3 From before, from time prior or anterior to. पाठीमागें After or at the back of, lit. fig; in the train or retinue of; in the path or course of; in succession or subsequence unto. पाठीमागें ठेवणें (To die and) to leave behind. पाठीमागें देणें To give back again. पाठीमागें पडणें To be in arrears--a work: also to be past and forgotten--an event. पाठीमागें सरणें To recede, yield, draw back. पाठीवर Behind or upon (in pursuit, harassment, enforcement, encouragement.) 2 In succession or subsequence unto, after. पाठीवर टाकणें To procrastinate or put off. पाठीवर तेल लावून ठेव Prepare thyself for a beating. पाठीवरून After, since, subsequently. पाठी- वर पाय देऊन येणें g. of o. To be born or to succeed immediately after--a child, a king, an officeholder. पाठीस काळीज असणें (To have the heart at the back.) To be daring, determined, intrepid. पाठीस पोट लागणें To be extremely lank or lean. 2 or पोट पाठीस लागणें To have a belly encumbering and embarrassing one; to have a belly to fill. पाठीस लागणें To pursue or hang upon. See पाठ घेणें. पाठीसीं. or शीं At the back of, lit. fig. पाठीशीं घालणें To afford protection unto; to cast behind, under one's shelter or covert. पाठीशीं घेणें To take upon one's self (a work). पाठून From behind &c. See पाठीमागून. झांकल्या पाठीचा (Of covered back.) Done under some cover or cloak, or in some excusing connection--a sin or crime, as whoredom by a married woman &c. झांकल्या पाठीनें (With one's back covered.) With decency and respectability; without dishonorable exposure. तापल्या पाठीनें Whilst the back is hot, i. e. whilst the blood is warm, the spirits high, the capabilities in their vigor; before one gets cold and stiff or dull and imbecile. पुरती पाठ घेणें or पुरविणें To follow close upon the back of.

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