Meaning of 'padarthanusamaya'

m S The order or method (when a set or number of things is to be given to each individual of a multitude) of giving first one article of the set to each person all round; going round again with another article; and again with a third; and thus, until all the articles composing the set shall have been received by each person. Opp. to kandanusamaya q. v.

Meaning of पदार्थानुसमय

m S The order or method (when a set or number of things is to be given to each individual of a multitude) of giving first one article of the set to each person all round; going round again with another article; and again with a third; and thus, until all the articles composing the set shall have been received by each person. Opp. to कांडानुसमय q. v.

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