Meaning of 'tacaka'
m A wooden plaything. 2 A prick or puncture. 3 A light-sounding rap or touch with a finger, pebble &c. v mara. 4 A jolt to a cart (passing over a pebble &c.) 5 (taca! Sound of sudden filliping or hitting.) Copious gushing forth or readiness to gush forth (of blood, pus, juice, tears).
Meaning of टचका
m A wooden plaything. 2 A prick or puncture. 3 A light-sounding rap or touch with a finger, pebble &c. v मार. 4 A jolt to a cart (passing over a pebble &c.) 5 (टच! Sound of sudden filliping or hitting.) Copious gushing forth or readiness to gush forth (of blood, pus, juice, tears).
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