Meaning of 'taca-kana-kara-dini-disiṃ'
ad Used with verbs of pricking, lancing, filliping, lightly and smartly piercing or hitting &c., imitatively of the sound or expressively of the manner: also as per ex. ta0 dolyaṃsa pani ale; nta0 rakta nighale; nta0 phoda- galu-ṃlimbu-ṃamba-phutala; ta0 pu udala; ta0 rupaye khara- cale &c. &c.
Meaning of टच-कन-कर-दिनी-दिशीं
ad Used with verbs of pricking, lancing, filliping, lightly and smartly piercing or hitting &c., imitatively of the sound or expressively of the manner: also as per ex. ट0 डोळà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤‚स पाणी आलें; ट0 रकà¥à¤¤ निघालें; ट0 फोड- गळूं-लिंबूं-आंबा-फà¥à¤Ÿà¤²à¤¾; ट0 पू उडाला; ट0 रà¥à¤ªà¤¯à¥‡ खर- चले &c. &c.
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