Meaning of 'jumana'

m n juma m f jumasa or jumasa m f ( P Motion, & P Opinion, mind. The words are derived, in the one sense, from , in the other, from , and both the senses are common.) Moving, yielding, changing. The words occur always in neg. con. or with neg. significance, and bear always the implication appearing in the English budge or stir. v kha, sometimes pava. Ex. pausa juma khata nahi; ṃhe ndukhane njuma khata nahi The rain, the sickness, does not yield, does not stir. Also mpausa peranisa juma khau ndeta nahi; ṃhe ndukhane ṃha hiṃvatapa ha savakara mala jumana khau ndeta nahi or mpadu ndeta nahi. 2 Awe, reverential fear, apprehension or estimation of (whether of persons or of matters) as terrible or as important. v nkha, sometimes pava, also v pada, asa. Ex. tva ndole vatarale mhanuna to ka tula jumana khatohe?

Meaning of जुमान

m n जूम m f जुमास or जुमस m f ( P Motion, & P Opinion, mind. The words are derived, in the one sense, from , in the other, from , and both the senses are common.) Moving, yielding, changing. The words occur always in neg. con. or with neg. significance, and bear always the implication appearing in the English budge or stir. v खा, sometimes पाव. Ex. पाऊस जूम खात नाहीं; हें दुखणें जूम खात नाहीं The rain, the sickness, does not yield, does not stir. Also पाऊस पेरणीस जूम खाऊं देत नाहीं; हें दुखणें हा हिंवताप हा सावकार मला जुमान खाऊं देत नाहीं or पडूं देत नाहीं. 2 Awe, reverential fear, apprehension or estimation of (whether of persons or of matters) as terrible or as important. v खा, sometimes पाव, also v पड, अस. Ex. त्वां डोळे वटारले म्हणून तो का तुला जुमान खातोहे?

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