Meaning of 'anyat kincit'

n (kincit A little, anya Another birth.) A remnant of papa or punya, esp. of the former, from the preceding birth; considered as the procuring cause of present fortune, bad or good. anyatakincita bhavisyati (A Sanskritadage amongst the learned.) There is yet some little to come to pass.

Meaning of अन्यत् किंचित्

n (किंचित् A little, अन्य Another birth.) A remnant of पाप or पुण्य, esp. of the former, from the preceding birth; considered as the procuring cause of present fortune, bad or good. अन्यतकिंचित भविष्यति (A Sanskritadage amongst the learned.) There is yet some little to come to pass.

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