Meaning of 'adda'
m ( H) A company or associated body (as of cart or cattle-owners, of hammals, coolies &c.) 2 The shed or place of assembling or abiding of such people, animals, and vehicles; a stand or station: also a stand for contingent or passing suppliers of a market or a town. 3 Any business or occupation proceeding constantly, or on a considerable scale, as ganyaca a0 nacanyaca a0 vadaca a0: also the place, as an assembly-room, a disputation-hall, a gymnasium, a circus: and (freely) a club-room, an alehouse, a stand, lounge, or meeting-place of idlers, newsmongers, gossips, scamps. 4 Making profession of; setting up pretensions to; pluming or priding one's self upon. v balaga. 5 A weaver's knife (set in a block of wood) for preparing the coya (bamboo pins) to form the teeth of his phani or comb.
Meaning of अडà¥à¤¡à¤¾
m ( H) A company or associated body (as of cart or cattle-owners, of hammals, coolies &c.) 2 The shed or place of assembling or abiding of such people, animals, and vehicles; a stand or station: also a stand for contingent or passing suppliers of a market or a town. 3 Any business or occupation proceeding constantly, or on a considerable scale, as गाणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¤¾ अ0 नाचणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¤¾ अ0 वादाचा अ0: also the place, as an assembly-room, a disputation-hall, a gymnasium, a circus: and (freely) a club-room, an alehouse, a stand, lounge, or meeting-place of idlers, newsmongers, gossips, scamps. 4 Making profession of; setting up pretensions to; pluming or priding one's self upon. v बाळग. 5 A weaver's knife (set in a block of wood) for preparing the चोय (bamboo pins) to form the teeth of his फणी or comb.
Browse Marathi - English Words