Meaning of 'akasmat'

ad (S) corruptly akasmatra ad Unexpectedly or suddenly. 2 The learned and literal sense is Without a wherefore, i.e. without seeking or having a reason; unreflectingly or inconsiderately. This sense occurs occasionally in poetry. Ex. drsti na pahata ṃavagha grantha ugaca dosa thevije a0 to satamurkha jana niscita navhe pandita viveki

Meaning of अकस्मात्

ad (S) corruptly अकस्मात्र ad Unexpectedly or suddenly. 2 The learned and literal sense is Without a wherefore, i.e. without seeking or having a reason; unreflectingly or inconsiderately. This sense occurs occasionally in poetry. Ex. दृष्टि न पाहतां अवघा ग्रंथ ॥ उगाच दोष ठेविजे अ0 ॥ तो शतमूर्ख जाण निश्चित ॥ नव्हे पंडित विवेकी ॥

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