Meaning of 'ada'

ind (ardha Half.) An inseparable prefix, expressing Lessness or diminutiveness, inferiority or secondariness, subordinacy or appertainment as an appendage or adjunct, and, sometimes, irregularity or oddness; answering to By, minor, sub, off, extra, odd &c.. It forms numerous compounds, of which those generally accepted and those demanding explanation occur in order. Whilst ada, coming from ardha Half, implies Smallerness, pettiness, dependency &c., ada as an inseparable prefix, involves the sense, first, of such expressions as Aside, apart, off the main track or course, out of the way, in some recess or corner; secondly, of such as Across, athwart, against, in the way, (indicating intervention, obstruction, restraint &c.) ada is further an adverb and a preposition; but for its senses and powers thus see ada. As this distinction betwixt ada & ada as inseparable prefixes, (i.e. as used in composition,) although just, and worthy to be pointed out, and advantageously to be learned and maintained, is not, in all instances, readily discernible by the foreigner, or rigidly regarded by the native, the wrongly compounded words, both of the class ada compounded with ada, and of the class ada compounded with ada, have been gathered and grouped, and referred, for their rendering, to their respective right forms. Further, that the student may be spared disappointment, it must be stated that, ordinarily, the paramount rule of the native, whether in speaking or in writing, is to employ, whether rightly or wrongly, ada if he belong to the Desh, ada if he belong to the Konkan: also that words, although manifest compounds of ada, yet, if current only in the Desh, will surely be made up with ada; whilst, conversely, words of the ada order, having currency only in the Konkan, will be treated as formations with ada. Notwithstanding the above explaining and distinguishing, and the exceeding and earnest labor bestowed to effect corresponding marginal disposition, there will still remain words tasking discrimination, and thus exposed to dispute whether they are compounds of ada or of ada, and a small number of others of which, in one sense, the appropriate form is ada, and, in another, ada. N. B.--Compounds with this ada from ardha Half must not be confounded with compounds or derivatives of ada Obstinacy or restiveness (e. g. adakara, adalanda, adatattu &c.): nor are they to be confounded with words commencing with ada which own connection neither with our inseparable prefix nor with ada the noun:--and such (e.g. adakavana, adakita, adacana, adata) are numerous: nor, lastly, with formations from adava Cross. adakathi, adakastha, adakudata, adakusi, ṃadakuta or da, adakhili, adaganthya, adagata, adagatya, adaghata, adacavata, adacora, adatala, adadivasa, adapadada, adapadara or dra, adapata, adaphata, adaphanta, adaphantya, adabajuca, adabajusa, adabhinta, adamarga, adamora, adamohari, ṃadarana, adarani, adavana or adavina, adavalana, adavalani, adavata, adavatya, adavela, adasandhi, adasara, adasantha. For these see, according to the explication of ada and ada afforded above, under ada.

Meaning of अड

ind (अर्ध Half.) An inseparable prefix, expressing Lessness or diminutiveness, inferiority or secondariness, subordinacy or appertainment as an appendage or adjunct, and, sometimes, irregularity or oddness; answering to By, minor, sub, off, extra, odd &c.. It forms numerous compounds, of which those generally accepted and those demanding explanation occur in order. Whilst अड, coming from अर्ध Half, implies Smallerness, pettiness, dependency &c., आड as an inseparable prefix, involves the sense, first, of such expressions as Aside, apart, off the main track or course, out of the way, in some recess or corner; secondly, of such as Across, athwart, against, in the way, (indicating intervention, obstruction, restraint &c.) आड is further an adverb and a preposition; but for its senses and powers thus see आड. As this distinction betwixt अड & आड as inseparable prefixes, (i.e. as used in composition,) although just, and worthy to be pointed out, and advantageously to be learned and maintained, is not, in all instances, readily discernible by the foreigner, or rigidly regarded by the native, the wrongly compounded words, both of the class अड compounded with आड, and of the class आड compounded with अड, have been gathered and grouped, and referred, for their rendering, to their respective right forms. Further, that the student may be spared disappointment, it must be stated that, ordinarily, the paramount rule of the native, whether in speaking or in writing, is to employ, whether rightly or wrongly, अड if he belong to the Desh, आड if he belong to the Konkan: also that words, although manifest compounds of आड, yet, if current only in the Desh, will surely be made up with अड; whilst, conversely, words of the अड order, having currency only in the Konkan, will be treated as formations with आड. Notwithstanding the above explaining and distinguishing, and the exceeding and earnest labor bestowed to effect corresponding marginal disposition, there will still remain words tasking discrimination, and thus exposed to dispute whether they are compounds of अड or of आड, and a small number of others of which, in one sense, the appropriate form is अड, and, in another, आड. N. B.--Compounds with this अड from अर्ध Half must not be confounded with compounds or derivatives of अड Obstinacy or restiveness (e. g. अडकर, अडलंड, अडतट्टू &c.): nor are they to be confounded with words commencing with अड which own connection neither with our inseparable prefix nor with अड the noun:--and such (e.g. अडकवण, अडकिता, अडचण, अडत) are numerous: nor, lastly, with formations from अडवा Cross. अडकाठी, अडकाष्ठा, अडकुडता, अडकुशीं, अडकूट or ड, अडखिळी, अडगांठ्या, अडगात, अडगात्या, अडघात, अडचावट, अडचोर, अडताळा, अडदिवस, अडपडदा, अडपदर or द्रा, अडपाट, अडफट, अडफांटा, अडफांट्या, अडबाजूचा, अडबाजूस, अडभिंत, अडमार्ग, अडमोरा, अडमोहरीं, अडरान, अडरानी, अडवण or अडवीण, अडवळण, अडवळणी, अडवाट, अडवाट्या, अडवेळ, अडसंधि, अडसर, अडसांठा. For these see, according to the explication of अड and आड afforded above, under आड.

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