Meaning of 'usakataneṃ'

v c To toss and tumble about; to disturb and discompose an arrangement gen.; to take to pieces (a watch, a machine &c.): to pull about and disorder (smoothed hair, stacked grass &c.) This verb must not be confounded with ucakatane. This expresses the discomposing or disordering of some arrangement or order; that, the wrenching, ripping, or tearing asunder of compactures or fixtures. This is derived from ṃu or vi & sakala; that from u & cikatane.ṃ

Meaning of उसकटणें

v c To toss and tumble about; to disturb and discompose an arrangement gen.; to take to pieces (a watch, a machine &c.): to pull about and disorder (smoothed hair, stacked grass &c.) This verb must not be confounded with उचकटणें. This expresses the discomposing or disordering of some arrangement or order; that, the wrenching, ripping, or tearing asunder of compactures or fixtures. This is derived from उ or वि & शकल; that from उ & चिकटणें.

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