Meaning of 'ubhalaneṃ'

v c To separate the grit and husks of meal by shaking the supa in a certain manner. 2 To prove or to sweeten a mill (jate) by grinding a few grains: also to grind a few grains (ndane) in order to prove &c.: also (for ughalane) to clear out the nghaṃsa or stale feed of the mill. 2 P To boil (a liquor).

Meaning of उभळणें

v c To separate the grit and husks of meal by shaking the सूप in a certain manner. 2 To prove or to sweeten a mill (जातें) by grinding a few grains: also to grind a few grains (दाणे) in order to prove &c.: also (for उघळणें) to clear out the घांस or stale feed of the mill. 2 P To boil (a liquor).

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