Meaning of 'upala'

f (utplavana S) The state of ground satu- rated (as after heavy rains), and burst in numerous places by gushing rillets. 2 fig. That state of body, induced by the bite of a ghonasa or phurase (kinds of snakes), in which blood is constantly oozing from the pores or orifices, Purpura hae morrhagica. 3 m A rill or streamlet trickling down hills, or oozing from the ground in rainy weather. 4 Laxly. Immoderate flow ofhe menses: also fluor albus or the whites. ṃu0 khane To rise or come out into active working;--used with ndama, khokala, tapa, dukhane, ṃroga: also to recover vigor--a malady repressed &c.

Meaning of उपळ

f (उत्प्लवन S) The state of ground satu- rated (as after heavy rains), and burst in numerous places by gushing rillets. 2 fig. That state of body, induced by the bite of a घोणस or फुरसें (kinds of snakes), in which blood is constantly oozing from the pores or orifices, Purpura hæ morrhagica. 3 m A rill or streamlet trickling down hills, or oozing from the ground in rainy weather. 4 Laxly. Immoderate flow ofhe menses: also fluor albus or the whites. उ0 खाणें To rise or come out into active working;--used with दमा, खोकला, ताप, दुखणें, रोग: also to recover vigor--a malady repressed &c.

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