Meaning of 'udara'

n (S) The abdomen or belly: also, popularly, the stomach. 2 Ascites, or enlargement of the abdomen from dropsy or flatulence: distinguished into jalodara, vatodara, matsyodara, plihodara, sarpodara, raktodara. 3 Womb. Ex. mama udara alasi sacara tari nkari ata mmajha uddhara

Meaning of उदर

n (S) The abdomen or belly: also, popularly, the stomach. 2 Ascites, or enlargement of the abdomen from dropsy or flatulence: distinguished into जलोदर, वातोदर, मत्स्योदर, प्लीहोदर, सर्पोदर, रक्तोदर. 3 Womb. Ex. मम उदरा आलासि साचार ॥ तरिं करि आतां माझा उद्धार ॥

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