Meaning of 'udaya'

m (S) Rising or ascending (esp. of a heavenly body). 2 Emersion (of Venus or Mercury). 3 Proceeding, issuing, springing from (as of flowers or sprouts from trees or the ground): arising on or in (as of hairs, perspiration &c. on the body, of passions in the mind). Ex. of comp. puspodaya, dharmodaya, kamodaya, krodhodaya, lobhodaya. 4 fig. Rising into eminence; emerging from poverty or obscurity.

Meaning of उदय

m (S) Rising or ascending (esp. of a heavenly body). 2 Emersion (of Venus or Mercury). 3 Proceeding, issuing, springing from (as of flowers or sprouts from trees or the ground): arising on or in (as of hairs, perspiration &c. on the body, of passions in the mind). Ex. of comp. पुष्पोदय, धर्मोदय, कामोदय, क्रोधोदय, लोभोदय. 4 fig. Rising into eminence; emerging from poverty or obscurity.

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