Meaning of 'uttha'

f S Rising: birth or production. Ex. of comp. mayotthasaṃsara The ideal or unreal world; the world and the business of it as arising from Maya (Illusion personified as a goddess); ajnanottha Sprung from ignorance; bhramottha, ajirnottha, jvarottha &c.

Meaning of उत्था

f S Rising: birth or production. Ex. of comp. मायोत्थसंसार The ideal or unreal world; the world and the business of it as arising from Máyá (Illusion personified as a goddess); अज्ञानोत्थ Sprung from ignorance; भ्रमोत्थ, अजीर्णोत्थ, ज्वरोत्थ &c.

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