Meaning of 'ujaraneṃ'

v c (ujvalana S) To brighten or deepen; to make clear, full, and striking (a line drawn, a mark made, a stamp impressed, by repeating the operation): to confirm (commands given, experiments made, knowledge acquired, by reiterated injunction, trial, study): to restore to rectitude or shape (crooked nails, battered and beaten vessels): to renew, refreshen, repair, rectify (in many applications). In this sense, To rectify or make straight, right, correct, good, and through all its variations, ujarane is from ṃrju Straight. Likewise ujarane v i q. v. infra.ṃ

Meaning of उजरणें

v c (उज्वलन S) To brighten or deepen; to make clear, full, and striking (a line drawn, a mark made, a stamp impressed, by repeating the operation): to confirm (commands given, experiments made, knowledge acquired, by reiterated injunction, trial, study): to restore to rectitude or shape (crooked nails, battered and beaten vessels): to renew, refreshen, repair, rectify (in many applications). In this sense, To rectify or make straight, right, correct, good, and through all its variations, उजरणें is from ऋजु Straight. Likewise उजरणें v i q. v. infra.

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