Meaning of 'husuka'

f (Imit. hussa!) The hissing off (as of a priming, or of a train without the explosion of the charge); the burning up and off with a hussa or phusa (i. e. without accomplishing the purpose); the hiss or whiz of a missing or failing stroke; the hiss generally (real or assumed) of an abortive effort or measure. v ho, ja, kara.

Meaning of हुसूक

f (Imit. हुस्स!) The hissing off (as of a priming, or of a train without the explosion of the charge); the burning up and off with a हुस्स or फुस (i. e. without accomplishing the purpose); the hiss or whiz of a missing or failing stroke; the hiss generally (real or assumed) of an abortive effort or measure. v हो, जा, कर.

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