Meaning of 'ukaraneṃ'

v c (utkirana S) To scratch, scrape, scoop up or out;--as rats &c. from the ground, as from a cocoanut &c. with a scoop. 2 To scratch or mark with incisions (the ground or a substance); to scratch and roughen. 3 fig. To elicit (secrets) by artful interrogatories; to pump: to force or draw on (a quarrel) by insult and provocation. In these two senses ukaruna kadhane is more common.ṃ

Meaning of उकरणें

v c (उत्किरण S) To scratch, scrape, scoop up or out;--as rats &c. from the ground, as from a cocoanut &c. with a scoop. 2 To scratch or mark with incisions (the ground or a substance); to scratch and roughen. 3 fig. To elicit (secrets) by artful interrogatories; to pump: to force or draw on (a quarrel) by insult and provocation. In these two senses उकरून काढणें is more common.

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