Meaning of 'isata'

ad (S) A little. In comp., and both adverbially and with the power and import of adjective; as isadusna Slightly warm, tepid; isaddarsana A slight or faint view, a glance; isaddosa A small error or blunder, a venial offence; isanmatra isat- kara &c.

Meaning of ईषत

ad (S) A little. In comp., and both adverbially and with the power and import of adjective; as ईषदुष्ण Slightly warm, tepid; ईषद्दर्शन A slight or faint view, a glance; ईषद्दोष A small error or blunder, a venial offence; ईषन्मात्र ईषत्- कर &c.

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