Meaning of 'sarasvati anadhyaya'

m (S) A period during which the Vedas are not read. It commences with the day of invoking Saraswati in the light fortnight of Áshwin, under the nakshatra Mula, and terminates with the nakshatra Shrawa&ntodtod;a; consisting therefore of four days from the sthapana (setting up for invocation) of Saraswati unto the utthapana (removal or dismissal).

Meaning of सरस्वती अनध्याय

m (S) A period during which the Vedas are not read. It commences with the day of invoking Saraswatí in the light fortnight of Áshwin, under the nakshatra Múla, and terminates with the nakshatra Shrawan̤a; consisting therefore of four days from the स्थापन (setting up for invocation) of Saraswatí unto the उत्थापन (removal or dismissal).

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