Meaning of 'sisabasa'

or -bhasa or siṃsabasa or -bhasa m ( P Glass vessel. Having the implication of frangibility, frailness, delicacy &c. Or from basa by redup.) A comprehensive or general term for ailments and maladies, disorders and disasters, detriment and damage, and injurious accidents, fractures, sprains, contusions, hurts; as incidental whether to animals or articles, and as attributable, especially although not exclusively, to demoniac or malign influence. Ex. bhutavaidya kelyanantara amace guraṃsa si0 kaṃhi hota nahi; ṃha arasa tumhi ethe nthevita mpana si0 tara majakade dosa nahi.ṃ

Meaning of शिसाबासा

or -भासा or शिंसाबासा or -भासा m ( P Glass vessel. Having the implication of frangibility, frailness, delicacy &c. Or from बाशा by redup.) A comprehensive or general term for ailments and maladies, disorders and disasters, detriment and damage, and injurious accidents, fractures, sprains, contusions, hurts; as incidental whether to animals or articles, and as attributable, especially although not exclusively, to demoniac or malign influence. Ex. भूतवैद्य केल्यानंतर आमचे गुरांस शि0 कांही होत नाहीं; हा आरसा तुम्ही एथें ठेवितां पण शि0 तर मजकडे दोष नाहीं.

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