Meaning of 'vrddhi'

f (S) Growth, enlargement, augmentation; growing, advancing, or increasing state, or grown or advanced state (in bulk or quantity, in age, dignity, wealth &c.) 2 Increase (upon money or corn lent); interest or increment. 3 Impurity arising to a household on the occasion of a birth in it. 4 Increase of the digits of the sun or moon : also a lunar day commencing before one sunrising and ending after the next. 5 m The eleventh of the astronomical yoga. 6 Enlargement of the scrotum from hydrocele, spermatocele, or other affection.

Meaning of वृद्धि

f (S) Growth, enlargement, augmentation; growing, advancing, or increasing state, or grown or advanced state (in bulk or quantity, in age, dignity, wealth &c.) 2 Increase (upon money or corn lent); interest or increment. 3 Impurity arising to a household on the occasion of a birth in it. 4 Increase of the digits of the sun or moon : also a lunar day commencing before one sunrising and ending after the next. 5 m The eleventh of the astronomical योग. 6 Enlargement of the scrotum from hydrocele, spermatocele, or other affection.

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