Meaning of 'ladaka'

a (lada) Darling, dear unto, regarded with tenderness or lovingkindness. 2 Fond, oving, coaxing;--used of the language, accents, or manner of a child: also saucy or audacious;--as proceeding from its presumption of fond allowance. 3 Fond, tender, blandishing--ways or words. 4 Persuasible &c.; not sternly imperative or obligatory; that may be viewed as optional or subject to one's good pleasure and will; as ladaka dhanda or vyavahara, ladake nkama, ladaki gosta.

Meaning of लाडका

a (लाड) Darling, dear unto, regarded with tenderness or lovingkindness. 2 Fond, oving, coaxing;--used of the language, accents, or manner of a child: also saucy or audacious;--as proceeding from its presumption of fond allowance. 3 Fond, tender, blandishing--ways or words. 4 Persuasible &c.; not sternly imperative or obligatory; that may be viewed as optional or subject to one's good pleasure and will; as लाडका धंदा or व्यवहार, लाडकें काम, लाडकी गोष्ट.

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