Meaning of 'retane or ṃrentaneṃ'

v c ( H) To shove or push. 2 fig. To prevent or keep back; to ward off or resist (an evil or a difficulty). 3 fig. To maintain or carry on against difficulties: also to execute or perform (a difficult matter): to drive on; to push along (a trade, a business, a livelihood): to cram down (cakes &c.) retuna jabasala karane To speak plainly, boldly, bluntly, blurtingly; or impertinently, saucily, rudely. ṃretuna in the general sense Forcingly or forcibly takes up, to obtain a specific application, verbs without number; as retuna calane-mpalane- ndavadane-ndamatane- mbolane-njevane-nkhane-mpausa padane-mpika hone-ndana vikane &c. &c.ṃ

Meaning of रेटणें or रेंटणें

v c ( H) To shove or push. 2 fig. To prevent or keep back; to ward off or resist (an evil or a difficulty). 3 fig. To maintain or carry on against difficulties: also to execute or perform (a difficult matter): to drive on; to push along (a trade, a business, a livelihood): to cram down (cakes &c.) रेटून जाबसाल करणें To speak plainly, boldly, bluntly, blurtingly; or impertinently, saucily, rudely. रेटून in the general sense Forcingly or forcibly takes up, to obtain a specific application, verbs without number; as रेटून चालणें-पळणें- दवडणें-दामटणें- बोलणें-जेवणें-खाणें-पाऊस पडणें-पीक होणें-दाणा विकणें &c. &c.

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