Meaning of 'rekhaneṃ'

v c (rekha) To draw lines or figures; to delineate, to trace, to rule. 2 To mark (a paper, wall, the ground) with lines, figures, diagrams, images. 3 To rub and smooth; to trim, adjust, set in order (painted lines on the forehead, plaits of a garment, curls and tresses of the hair). 4 To describe, pourtray, imprint &c. Ex. aikoni jo svahrdayantaci rekhila ho pratyaksa toci nayani ṃhari dekhila ho .

Meaning of रेखणें

v c (रेखा) To draw lines or figures; to delineate, to trace, to rule. 2 To mark (a paper, wall, the ground) with lines, figures, diagrams, images. 3 To rub and smooth; to trim, adjust, set in order (painted lines on the forehead, plaits of a garment, curls and tresses of the hair). 4 To describe, pourtray, imprint &c. Ex. ऐकोनि जो स्वहृदयांतची रेखिला हो ॥ प्रत्यक्ष तोची नयनीं हरि देखिला हो ॥.

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