Meaning of 'ravarava or ravaravi'

f (Imit.) The tingling (as of a limb asleep); the stinging or biting (upon the tongue) of certain substances; the incipient pains (premonitory aching or tingling) of fever, demoniac visitation &c.; also the lingering remains; the gnawing or irritation of swallowed poison; the throbbing ache of a scorpion-sting; the thrilling pain of ants biting or overrunning, formication; the swarming or eager bustling of maggots, lice, fleas &c.

Meaning of रवरव or रवरवी

f (Imit.) The tingling (as of a limb asleep); the stinging or biting (upon the tongue) of certain substances; the incipient pains (premonitory aching or tingling) of fever, demoniac visitation &c.; also the lingering remains; the gnawing or irritation of swallowed poison; the throbbing ache of a scorpion-sting; the thrilling pain of ants biting or overrunning, formication; the swarming or eager bustling of maggots, lice, fleas &c.

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