Meaning of 'y'

The twenty-sixth consonant, corresponding with Y initial. This letter is much used by the vulgar after the termination of verbs in the first and third persons of the present tense; as mi detoṃya, ha jatoya for mi deto or ndetoṃhe and ṃha jato or jatohe. It is further used by the vulgar in the place of e, as yakka for ekka, and in other derivatives and compounds of eka. See notice under yeka. It is also a form of contraction for hi Also or even; as toya gela, haya ala, tevhaṃya minca hoto ṃataṃya minca ahe. This emphatic use is not vulgar.ṃ

Meaning of य

The twenty-sixth consonant, corresponding with Y initial. This letter is much used by the vulgar after the termination of verbs in the first and third persons of the present tense; as मी देतोंय, हा जातोय for मी देतों or देतोंहें and हा जातो or जातोहे. It is further used by the vulgar in the place of ए, as यक्का for एक्का, and in other derivatives and compounds of एक. See notice under येक. It is also a form of contraction for ही Also or even; as तोय गेला, हाय आला, तेव्हांय मींच होतों आतांय मींच आहें. This emphatic use is not vulgar.

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