Meaning of 'mulaga'

m (mula) A boy, a lad, a son. 2 A male child of a female slave of the State. mulagi f A girl, a lass, a daughter. mulage n A child. This word, although often used interchangeably with mmula, should be discriminated from it. mula is a child, mulaga (with its sex-denoting variations--mulagi & mulage) is rather a son (or a daughter or a child); i.e. the boy of, one's own boy (or daughter or child). mmula is a mere child, denoting the individual or person; mulaga (gi-ge) is the child of, denoting relation or appertainment (to the parent). Hence ṃsala sutali mule nkhelatata (not mulage); tamasa calala vatene mmule ṃlagali mpathisa (not mulage).

Meaning of मुलगा

m (मूल) A boy, a lad, a son. 2 A male child of a female slave of the State. मुलगी f A girl, a lass, a daughter. मुलगें n A child. This word, although often used interchangeably with मूल, should be discriminated from it. मूल is a child, मुलगा (with its sex-denoting variations--मुलगी & मुलगें) is rather a son (or a daughter or a child); i.e. the boy of, one's own boy (or daughter or child). मूल is a mere child, denoting the individual or person; मुलगा (गी-गें) is the child of, denoting relation or appertainment (to the parent). Hence शाळा सुटली मुलें खेळतात (not मुलगे); तमाशा चालला वाटेनें मुलें लागलीं पाठीस (not मुलगे).

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