Meaning of 'ada'

as an inseparable prefix see explained and distinguished under ada. 2 ad In the state of intervention or interjacency (whether as obstructing perception or access, or as affording shelter, cover, or protection); between or betwixt; in the way. Ex. megha ada asala mhanaje candra disanara nahi; mbhinta ada asali mhanaje varyace mbhaya nahi. 3 prep In the shelter, cover, or protection of. Ex. ṃsetaada cori dadalya- ada sindalaki Under cover of possessing a field, theft (as of the neighbor's corn): under cover of a husband, whoredom. Also dongarace ada surya gela. Hence, ada karane To place under the shelter, shadow, or defence of. 4 ṃada occurring betwixt a reduplication, conveys the force of Every other: as sala ada sala, divasa ada divasa, ghara ada ghara, jhada ada jhada Every other year-day-house-tree. Also occurring without reduplication; as tasa ada baila ani disa ada bayako (maravi mhanaje thika) A proverb amongst the Shudras indicative of their barbarism. 5 In comp. as a prefix. Odd or occurring oddly; as adadivasa, adavara, adasala.

Meaning of आड

as an inseparable prefix see explained and distinguished under अड. 2 ad In the state of intervention or interjacency (whether as obstructing perception or access, or as affording shelter, cover, or protection); between or betwixt; in the way. Ex. मेघ आड असला म्हणजे चंद्र दिसणार नाहीं; भिंत आड असली म्हणजे वाऱ्याचें भय नाहीं. 3 prep In the shelter, cover, or protection of. Ex. शेताआड चोरी दादल्या- आड शिंदळकी Under cover of possessing a field, theft (as of the neighbor's corn): under cover of a husband, whoredom. Also डोंगराचे आड सूर्य गेला. Hence, आड करणें To place under the shelter, shadow, or defence of. 4 आड occurring betwixt a reduplication, conveys the force of Every other: as साल आड साल, दिवस आड दिवस, घर आड घर, झाड आड झाड Every other year-day-house-tree. Also occurring without reduplication; as तास आड बैल आणि दीस आड बायको (मारावी म्हणजे ठीक) A proverb amongst the Shúdras indicative of their barbarism. 5 In comp. as a prefix. Odd or occurring oddly; as आडदिवस, आडवार, आडसाल.

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