Meaning of 'bonda'

n A spherical or semispherical follicle or capsule (as a pod of the cotton-plant, poppy &c.); any small just-formed fruit. 2 Hence applied to several things of this general appearance; as The apple of the Cashew or of the Marking nut; the flower of the Plantain; a head of Maka or Indian corn, of hemp, carthamus &c.; the bulb of certain flowers, remaining after the flower is shed; the bowl of a ladle or spoon; the oil-cup of lamps &c.; a ball of flour fried in butter or oil; a knob, boss, or bunch of many things. 3 The nipple or tip of a breast. bonde ṃvecane To stammer (from conscious guilt).ṃ

Meaning of बोंड

n A spherical or semispherical follicle or capsule (as a pod of the cotton-plant, poppy &c.); any small just-formed fruit. 2 Hence applied to several things of this general appearance; as The apple of the Cashew or of the Marking nut; the flower of the Plantain; a head of Maká or Indian corn, of hemp, carthamus &c.; the bulb of certain flowers, remaining after the flower is shed; the bowl of a ladle or spoon; the oil-cup of lamps &c.; a ball of flour fried in butter or oil; a knob, boss, or bunch of many things. 3 The nipple or tip of a breast. बोंडें वेचणें To stammer (from conscious guilt).

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