Meaning of 'balutedara or baluta'

or tya m (balute &c.) A public servant of a village entitled to mbalute. There are twelve distinct from the regular Governmentofficers mpatila, kulakarani &c.; viz. sutara, lohara, mahara, manga (These four constitute pahili or thorali kasa or vala the first division. Of three of them each is entitled to cara pacunde, twenty bundles of Holcus or the thrashed corn, and the mahara to atha pacunde); kumbhara, camhara, parita, nhavi constitute dusari or madhali kasa or vala, and are entitled, each, to tina pacunde; bhata, mulana, gurava, koli form tisari or dhakati kasa or vala, and have, each, dona pacunde. Likewise there are twelve alute or supernumerary public claimants, viz. teli, tamboli, sali, mali, jangama, kalavanta, davarya, thakara, ghadasi, tarala, sonara, caugula. Of these the allowance of corn is not settled. The learner must be prepared to meet with other enumerations of the balutedara (e. g. patila, kula- karani, caudhari, potadara, desapandya, nhavi, parita, gurava, sutara, kumbhara, vesakara, josi; also sutara, lohara, camhara, kumbhara as constituting the first-class and claiming the largest division of balute; next nnhavi, parita, koli, gurava as constituting the middle class and claiming a subdivision of balute; lastly, mbhata, mulana, sonara, manga; and, in the Konka&ntodtod;, yet another list); and with other accounts of the assignments of corn; for this and many similar matters, originally determined diversely, have undergone the usual influence of time, place, and ignorance. Of the balutedara in the Indapur pergunnah the list and description stands thus:--First class, sutara, lohara, camhara, mahara; Second, parita, kumbhara, nhavi, manga; Third, sonara, mulana, gurava, josi, koli, ramosi; in all fourteen, but in no one village are the whole fourteen to be found or traced. In the Pandharpur districts the order is:--pahili or thorali vala (1st class); mahara, sutara, lohara, camhara, dusari or madhali vala (2nd class); parita, kumbhara, nhavi, manga, tisari or dhakati vala (3rd class); kulakarani, josi, gurava, potadara; twelve balute and of alute there are eighteen. According to Grant Duff, the balatedara are sutara, lohara, camhara, manga, kumbhara, nhavi, parita, gurava, josi, bhata, mulana; and the alute are sonara, jangama, simpi, koli, tarala or vesakara, mali, davaryagosavi, ghadasi, ramosi, teli, tamboli, gondhali. In many villages of Northern Dakha&ntodtod; the mahara receives the balute of the first, second, and third classes; and, consequently, besides the mmahara, there are but nine balutedara. The following are the only alutedara or naru now to be found;--sonara, manga, simpi, bhata gondhali, kora- gu, kotavala, tarala, but of the alutedara & balute- dara there is much confused intermixture, the alutedara of one district being the balutedara of another, and vice versa. (The word kasa used above, in pahili kasa, madhyama kasa, tisari kasa requires explanation. It means Udder; and, as the balutedara are, in the phraseology of endearment or fondling, termed vasare (calves), their allotments or divisions are figured by successive bodies of calves drawing at the nkasa or under of the gaṃva under the figure of a gaya or cow.)

Meaning of बलुतेदार or बलुता

or त्या m (बलुतें &c.) A public servant of a village entitled to बलुतें. There are twelve distinct from the regular Governmentofficers पाटील, कुळकरणी &c.; viz. सुतार, लोहार, महार, मांग (These four constitute पहिली or थोरली कास or वळ the first division. Of three of them each is entitled to चार पाचुंदे, twenty bundles of Holcus or the thrashed corn, and the महार to आठ पाचुंदे); कुंभार, चाम्हार, परीट, न्हावी constitute दुसरी or मधली कास or वळ, and are entitled, each, to तीन पाचुंदे; भट, मुलाणा, गुरव, कोळी form तिसरी or धाकटी कास or वळ, and have, each, दोन पाचुंदे. Likewise there are twelve अलुते or supernumerary public claimants, viz. तेली, तांबोळी, साळी, माळी, जंगम, कळवांत, डवऱ्या, ठाकर, घडशी, तराळ, सोनार, चौगुला. Of these the allowance of corn is not settled. The learner must be prepared to meet with other enumerations of the बलुतेदार (e. g. पाटील, कुळ- करणी, चौधरी, पोतदार, देशपांड्या, न्हावी, परीट, गुरव, सुतार, कुंभार, वेसकर, जोशी; also सुतार, लोहार, चाम्हार, कुंभार as constituting the first-class and claiming the largest division of बलुतें; next न्हावी, परीट, कोळी, गुरव as constituting the middle class and claiming a subdivision of बलुतें; lastly, भट, मुलाणा, सोनार, मांग; and, in the Konkan̤, yet another list); and with other accounts of the assignments of corn; for this and many similar matters, originally determined diversely, have undergone the usual influence of time, place, and ignorance. Of the बलुतेदार in the Indápúr pergunnah the list and description stands thus:--First class, सुतार, लोहार, चाम्हार, महार; Second, परीट, कुंभार, न्हावी, मांग; Third, सोनार, मुलाणा, गुरव, जोशी, कोळी, रामोशी; in all fourteen, but in no one village are the whole fourteen to be found or traced. In the Panḍharpúr districts the order is:--पहिली or थोरली वळ (1st class); महार, सुतार, लोहार, चाम्हार, दुसरी or मधली वळ (2nd class); परीट, कुंभार, न्हावी, मांग, तिसरी or धाकटी वळ (3rd class); कुळकरणी, जोशी, गुरव, पोतदार; twelve बलुते and of अलुते there are eighteen. According to Grant Duff, the बलतेदार are सुतार, लोहार, चाम्हार, मांग, कुंभार, न्हावी, परीट, गुरव, जोशी, भाट, मुलाणा; and the अलुते are सोनार, जंगम, शिंपी, कोळी, तराळ or वेसकर, माळी, डवऱ्यागोसावी, घडशी, रामोशी, तेली, तांबोळी, गोंधळी. In many villages of Northern Dakhan̤ the महार receives the बलुतें of the first, second, and third classes; and, consequently, besides the महार, there are but nine बलुतेदार. The following are the only अलुतेदार or नारू now to be found;--सोनार, मांग, शिंपी, भट गोंधळी, कोर- गू, कोतवाल, तराळ, but of the अलुतेदार & बलुते- दार there is much confused intermixture, the अलुतेदार of one district being the बलुतेदार of another, and vice versâ. (The word कास used above, in पहिली कास, मध्यम कास, तिसरी कास requires explanation. It means Udder; and, as the बलुतेदार are, in the phraseology of endearment or fondling, termed वासरें (calves), their allotments or divisions are figured by successive bodies of calves drawing at the कास or under of the गांव under the figure of a गाय or cow.)

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