Meaning of 'ahammamata'
f S (aha I, mmama Mine. I-ness and mine-ness.) Assertion or assurance of individuality and personality; belief (through most deplorable ignorance and folly) of one's own existence. Ex. jari ahammamatadi na yaya ye &c. 2 Love of self and of one's own. Ex. ahammamatene njaga budale.ṃ
Meaning of अहंममता
f S (अहं I, मम Mine. I-ness and mine-ness.) Assertion or assurance of individuality and personality; belief (through most deplorable ignorance and folly) of one's own existence. Ex. जरि अहंममतादि न याय ये &c. 2 Love of self and of one's own. Ex. अहंममतेनें जग बà¥à¤¡à¤¾à¤²à¥‡à¤‚.
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