Meaning of 'phutaneṃ'

v i (sphuta S) To break; to be shivered or shattered: also to break, burst, split, crack (in a more extended sense); to part or open suddenly. 2 To sprout, shoot, bud, spring, germinate. 3 To burst through, to cut--teeth. 4 To break; to divide into small lumps and water--curds or other coagulum: to separate--serum from the crassamentum. 5 To run; to suffer the ink to spread--damp paper; also to spread on such paper--ink; also to spread largely and indistinctly--the letters or writing. Note. kagada, sai, aksara, lekha &c. become all, occasionally, the subject of the verb. 6 To branch off--a road &c. 7 To be afflicted with the rheumatic affection phuta; or to ache and feel broken--the body as before fever. 8 To arise or burst forth;--as a smell. 9 To become public--a secret matter. 10 To break up, fall asunder, separate--armies or other associations. 11 To break with; to fall out with; to quarrel and part. 12 To burst or open--a boil or tumor. 13 To appear in eruptions or to burst into eruption; to break out;--used whether of the humors efflorescing or of the member or seat of the efflorescence. 14 To become cracked or hoarse, to break;--used whether of the voice or of the larynx or throat its organ. 15 To chap or crack--lips, heels, hands &c. 16 To form and burst fully forth;--used of the fruit of the Cocoanut, Betelnut, and Jack. 17 To cease, fail, go; to become extinct;--used of the organs or of the functions of the sight and hearing; as dole phutale, kana phutale--to be as if burst in their membranes. 18 To become dissipated or scattered--the mind or thoughts.

Meaning of फुटणें

v i (स्फुट S) To break; to be shivered or shattered: also to break, burst, split, crack (in a more extended sense); to part or open suddenly. 2 To sprout, shoot, bud, spring, germinate. 3 To burst through, to cut--teeth. 4 To break; to divide into small lumps and water--curds or other coagulum: to separate--serum from the crassamentum. 5 To run; to suffer the ink to spread--damp paper; also to spread on such paper--ink; also to spread largely and indistinctly--the letters or writing. Note. कागद, शाई, अक्षर, लेख &c. become all, occasionally, the subject of the verb. 6 To branch off--a road &c. 7 To be afflicted with the rheumatic affection फूट; or to ache and feel broken--the body as before fever. 8 To arise or burst forth;--as a smell. 9 To become public--a secret matter. 10 To break up, fall asunder, separate--armies or other associations. 11 To break with; to fall out with; to quarrel and part. 12 To burst or open--a boil or tumor. 13 To appear in eruptions or to burst into eruption; to break out;--used whether of the humors efflorescing or of the member or seat of the efflorescence. 14 To become cracked or hoarse, to break;--used whether of the voice or of the larynx or throat its organ. 15 To chap or crack--lips, heels, hands &c. 16 To form and burst fully forth;--used of the fruit of the Cocoanut, Betelnut, and Jack. 17 To cease, fail, go; to become extinct;--used of the organs or of the functions of the sight and hearing; as डोळे फुटले, कान फुटले--to be as if burst in their membranes. 18 To become dissipated or scattered--the mind or thoughts.

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