Meaning of 'pada'

f (padane) The sinking and sitting (of a bullock &c.) in refusing the load. Hence a declining or refusing; a withholding of one's powers (in argument, fight &c.); a sitting still, composed, contented: in opp. to ṃucambala, under which see ucambala khane. v nkha, ghe, patakara. 2 Mangoes fallen: as opp. to mangoes ripened in straw. 3 Fallow grounds. 4 A falling sick (of numerous persons): a becoming desolate (of several villages); or neglected and fallow (of much land). v pada. 5 A run of ill luck (at cards). v laga. 6 m A pocket, partition, division, shelf, drawer &c. of a housewife or bag having many pockets; of a box; of a succession of shelves or drawers. 7 (para Beyond. ) Prefixed to certain names and titles it expresses subordinacy. Ex. padacakara An inferior servant, an underling, a mate; padasisya A pupil of a pupil; padalanka Thither or farther Lanka (the city of the brother of ravana) mentioned in affirming superiority in traveling to some boaster. Ex. tva ṃlanka pahilisa tara kaya jhale mmya mpadalanka pahili. Other such formations, as padakota, padajibha, padasala, padasaksa &c. will occur in order. 8 m A strand or single string (of a rope &c.): also a rope of one strand; yarn rolled together. 9 W A quantity of two sher (of grain). Restrictedly used, Ex. padi une daha sera. padicaamba A fallenmango (whetherripe or green). padi mpadane To fall amongst the fallen; to become extinct, forgotten, cast away, disused, lost &c.: also to fall under stoppage or obstruction.ṃ

Meaning of पड

f (पडणें) The sinking and sitting (of a bullock &c.) in refusing the load. Hence a declining or refusing; a withholding of one's powers (in argument, fight &c.); a sitting still, composed, contented: in opp. to उचंबळ, under which see उचंबळ खाणें. v खा, घे, पतकर. 2 Mangoes fallen: as opp. to mangoes ripened in straw. 3 Fallow grounds. 4 A falling sick (of numerous persons): a becoming desolate (of several villages); or neglected and fallow (of much land). v पड. 5 A run of ill luck (at cards). v लाग. 6 m A pocket, partition, division, shelf, drawer &c. of a housewife or bag having many pockets; of a box; of a succession of shelves or drawers. 7 (पर Beyond. ) Prefixed to certain names and titles it expresses subordinacy. Ex. पडचाकर An inferior servant, an underling, a mate; पडशिष्य A pupil of a pupil; पडलंका Thither or farther Lanká (the city of the brother of रावण) mentioned in affirming superiority in traveling to some boaster. Ex. त्वां लंका पाहिलीस तर काय झालें म्यां पडलंका पाहिली. Other such formations, as पडकोट, पडजीभ, पडसाळ, पडसाक्ष &c. will occur in order. 8 m A strand or single string (of a rope &c.): also a rope of one strand; yarn rolled together. 9 W A quantity of two sher (of grain). Restrictedly used, Ex. पडी उणे दाहा शेर. पडीचाआंबा A fallenmango (whetherripe or green). पडीं पडणें To fall amongst the fallen; to become extinct, forgotten, cast away, disused, lost &c.: also to fall under stoppage or obstruction.

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