Meaning of 'nidhiniksepa'

m (S) These words, misunderstood as a compound term for Buried or hidden treasure, are two distinct words occurring in grants, or deeds of lease or sale, of land. The five, viz. trna, kastha, pasana, nidhi, niksepa express the conferring, upon the grantee or lessee or purchaser, or, per contra, the reservation in the hands of the donor or lessor or vender, of all right over (trna) the wild grass and herbage, over (kastha) the woods and trees, over (pasana) the stone-quarries, over (nidhi) the mines, over (niksepa) the buried treasure--pertaining to the land.

Meaning of निधिनिक्षेप

m (S) These words, misunderstood as a compound term for Buried or hidden treasure, are two distinct words occurring in grants, or deeds of lease or sale, of land. The five, viz. तृण, काष्ठ, पाषाण, निधि, निक्षेप express the conferring, upon the grantee or lessee or purchaser, or, per contra, the reservation in the hands of the donor or lessor or vender, of all right over (तृण) the wild grass and herbage, over (काष्ठ) the woods and trees, over (पाषाण) the stone-quarries, over (निधि) the mines, over (निक्षेप) the buried treasure--pertaining to the land.

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