Meaning of 'avati'

f (avata S) A goldsmith's stamp (to impress figures &c.) It is a cube (made generally of pancarasa) with channels or grooves on its face: also a common term for these channels. peranci avati & vavaci avati are stamps of differing forms and uses. 2 A notch or incision (like the groove on the stamp) made upon a piece of wood which is to be chopped, pared, barked &c. v ghe pada, ghala.

Meaning of अवटी

f (अवट S) A goldsmith's stamp (to impress figures &c.) It is a cube (made generally of पंचरस) with channels or grooves on its face: also a common term for these channels. पेरांची अवटी & वावाची अवटी are stamps of differing forms and uses. 2 A notch or incision (like the groove on the stamp) made upon a piece of wood which is to be chopped, pared, barked &c. v घे पाड, घाल.

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