Meaning of 'alipta'

a (S) Unsmeared or uncontaminated, lit. fig. Pr. karani karuna a0 (Looking) pure yet doing bad deeds. 2 fig. Not united with, separate, distinct. Ex. tu ṃa0 sarvantara tatvata kasta- maji ṃagni pahata a0 jaisa asoni Here the involved sense is Not complicated or combined with defilingly.

Meaning of अलिप्त

a (S) Unsmeared or uncontaminated, lit. fig. Pr. करणी करुन अ0 (Looking) pure yet doing bad deeds. 2 fig. Not united with, separate, distinct. Ex. तूं अ0 सर्वांतर तत्वता ॥ काष्टा- माजीं अग्नि पाहता ॥ अ0 जैसा असोनि ॥ Here the involved sense is Not complicated or combined with defilingly.

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